Friday, February 10, 2006

Music, music, music

It kept snowing today! Now we have about four to five inches, very very nice, but all the Germans seem to hate snow...I can kind of understand why,'s SNOW! Anyway, it's a winter wonderland here. I meant to take a picture to illustrate this post with a picture of it, but, alas, I keep forgetting to take my camera with me in the morning, or have too little time in the morning to grab it...hmm. Tomorrow, then.

Today Aaron from Colorado wasn't here for the first time ever, after only one day I already feel more fluent in German, and a better exchange student. Too bad he couldn't switch classes, we both wanted him to, haha. We played more soccer in Sport today too, and I believe I might be getting a bit better at being goalie...but hard to tell, haha. I want to learn some offensive tricks. Or be able to play offense. I'm not quite nimble enough and I don't pass well. So, they stick me in the goal, and I try to make the most of it. Man, I don't know how good Americans my age are offensively, but if I join the team next year, Shirley, which I'm not sure I'll have time for, I think I would kick ass at goalie...maybe.

After Math, I went to try and transfer money with the bank card my parents sent me, it just doesn't work, such a bitch. Back to prehistoric methods of money transfer...then I went to the other bookstore I hadn't looked in for Homo Faber, the book we're reading in German, found it and bought it, spent fifty extra cents for the really good edition with notes and comments, wahoo. Then, I went into the Münster, which is amazing with all the snow on it.

Had to take a break in writing this to eat dinner. Only in Europe can you bread and fry a whole wheel of soft cheese, eat it for dinner with cranberry jam, and call it healthy. Of course, we also had bread, more cheese, meat and carrots. Yum. After dinner, I was cleaning up with Moritz, who was in the moment talking to the host mom, who got a new fancy hairdo today. Moritz was fake-whining about how we should bake some cake that he wanted, and all of the sudden, he was like, eewwwwww, and pointed at her hair. Omg, almost burst out laughing. Moritz was like, 'only old grandmas get hairdos like that' *does crude grandma imitation,* my host mom was like, 'when I came out of the hairdresser, I felt like, *in english* oh, I'm so beautiful!' (Brent hoots with laughter from the kitchen). Host mom, in fake-anger, 'oh, I'm done with you both! If only I had had a daughter, would have been so simple...' (Brent doubles over hooting in kitchen) *host mom goes outside to smoke cigarette.* So, those were the highlights of dinner tonight. I have good relationships with my host family for most of the time, it's just hard to take how much of a dumbass my host dad is sometimes. Oh, and I prosted my host dad's little wine glass with my ginormous glass of sparkling apple juice, almost making him spill his, he thought it was funny, then I pounded mine to everyone's amazement, haha. For some reason I was really thirsty today. And once I start drinking, it's hard to stop. Ooh, that sounded bad...

Ok, so back to my story from today. As I walked out of the Münster and across the square to the street in the direction of school, I passed a group of American tourists who had just come out of the the town hall and were being given a run-down of how fabulous the Münster's gothic architecture is. I kind of just stood there and listened for a little bit, right in the group, some people smiled at me while they were taking pictures. I was going to talk to some of them, but I could only picture myself speaking German to them for some reason, so I thought, I gotta get back to school, so I just turned around and left, which was the strangest feeling, like I was turning my back on English and going back to my German reality, or like pressing my nose against a window into the English world and willingly turning away. And, the most interesting thing was, I felt light-years away from being a tourist. So, I enjoyed my walk back to school, it's really amazing when the wind is blowing hard and whipping snow into your face, and you're walking downtown. Well, for me, anyway. Then I went into orchestra and came back down to earth when I had to strain to understand the director from across the room. I usually feel stupid when playing the timpani in orchestra. Piano goes better, except I never practice enough.

I don't think I've ever had so much music to learn for so many different things. I've got organ, lots of it right there, my own piano repertoire, which I try to squeeze in sometimes, orchestra music on two instruments, music I have to practice for accompanying people, and now I'm going to be playing a couple church sevices at the church where I practice. I won't get the hymns until a week beforehand, I hope I can handle it. Oh, and I have harmony studying to do.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to try and make myself get up at 7:30 and make pancakes for the family. Omg. That's going to be super-hard. I finally got up at the right time for once this morning, I was in agony for an hour, so tired. Well, maybe I can enjoy getting lots done tomorrow instead of feeling dead. Ridic. Gotta get to bed at a reasonable time eleven. Ok, gotta many things to do.


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