Sunday, February 05, 2006

Aquarium, Ulm

Today I went with the host family to the Ulmer Aquarium, the one my first host mom bugged me a couple times to go to. Realized why I didn't want to, haha. Naw, it was ok, it's just that it's pretty small, unbeautiful, and I was very familiar with almost all the animals. Got to see these sea anemones and their clownfish partners, though. I was a dork and took my camera. There's also a limited collection of reptiles, spiders, birds, monkeys, and a small petting zoo. So, it's officially a zoo, I think, but pretty tiny. Nearby is some park that's supposed to be really beautiful in spring, am going back then. The lake nearby was mostly frozen over. Haha, we were looking at the asian pythons, the biggest snakes in the place, and I was like, yeah, those are really nice, I got to hold one a lot when I was in a reptile club in Oklahoma, and my host mom (who is terrified of snakes) just stared at me. I had almost forgotten about my Roving Reptile days...good times. We really freaked some people out that one Halloween, haha.
I heard someone asking as we were leaving if they had to pay to see the bears outside in the petting zoo, and the woman behind the counter was like, umm, they're in hibernation, I had to fight not to laugh. We were walking back to the car, and Moritz was messing around with Johannes, he was like, let's play a game where whoever grabs the other person's cap first wins, and Johannes was like, ok, so the first time Moritz went past me, I just grabbed his cap, I was like I win, haha. Then I gave it to Johannes, who tried to keep it from Moritz as I walked on. A little bit later, Moritz jogged past me, going, I got it baa-aack, and then Johannes jogged past me a little after that, and he was covered in snow. I was like, hmm. Moritz did something to Johannes the other day so hard, I don't know what he did, but he made him bleed, and Moritz had to clean up the blood. Yowzers.
I have an organ lesson again tomorrow, as usual, was going to practice in the office, but no, host dad has to work there tonight, and he needs UTTER silence, not even the sound of the keys on the keyboard while I play with headphones is quiet enough. Whatever.
Well, gonna go see what's on TV tonight with the host mom. Usually something good Sunday night.


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