Monday, January 30, 2006

shout out!

Haha, for you Shirley, who should visit me in the summer break! How kickass would that be?!!! Do it. Haha. Or anyone else who would want to visit. And a further shout out to everyone in Stillwater, who should keep sending me e-mails, even if I haven't been sending them any, haha. You guys gotta help me get a job when I get back.

The picture is from walking across the bridge that goes over the train tracks on the way from school to the buses home, with the Münster Cathedral in the distance, the tallest church tower in the world!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I'll think about visiting, it'd be great. I've already got some plans ...
I'm excited, though, there's a chance Shereen might come with me to China this summer!
Post of a picture of your hair, Brent, je suis tres curieuse.

I turn seventeen today!

5:28 AM  
Blogger Vera said...

dude whats with this shoutoutz nonsense you younguns keep spouting, yoo so white bro

6:44 AM  
Blogger Brent in Germany said...

Wow, that would be cool with Shereen in China! I wanna go to China sometime. So does Vera. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHIRLZZ! Me still sixteen. Will turn seventeen after Europatour. And Veery, I would like to see you post an ethnic post. Yes, I be white. Mmm, I have lunch and coffee at me computer. Life is good. I think I will take a picture of my head.

1:39 PM  

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