Saturday, January 28, 2006

failure of a Saturday

This morning, my cell phone woke me up at 6:10, was starting to get up when I remembered it was Saturday. Gratefully went back to bed, meant to have gotten up at 9:30, missed that by a little over an hour. Had breakfast, was thinking about what I was going to do today, like see something I hadn't seen in Ulm before and practice organ, and do harmony. Then, we had lunch after I had just started cleaning up my room, and Moritz and Johannes wanted to play ping pong, so I thought, oh, haven't played that since the Black Forest, fun, and they said they were going to play for an hour, so I thought I would still have time for the important stuff.

We walked up the hill to where the table was near the University. I hadn't been up there before then, so I was really surprised to discover a whole other little city up there, no wonder they call it the Universitätstadt. There's still lots of frozen and polished snow up there, so there are basically little skating rinks all over the place. We started playing the form of ping pong where you serve on one end of the table and then run around to return it from the other end, I should have seen that the ice would be a problem. First time I had to run around, I slipped and ate it. Tore a nice hole in my jeans (good thing they're my least favorite pair), royally scraped my knee and bruised my hip. Falls like that shake me up more these days, especially since I'm tall and carry my weight above the hips :P So, I wasn't very happy after that. Then, the host brothers decided that it would be more fun to slide around on the ice a little bit down the hill, so I basically watched them do that for a half an hour (my balance is shit and I was still hurting). I miss being small and younger. Went back home while the brothers went to a friend's house, was already a bit depressed. Rummaged through the music files on my computer for a couple hours, found some U2. Then, I forced myself to leave the house and go practice organ, was starting to feel a little less depressed and things, and then I got to the door of the church and realized that I had forgotten my key. Decided that it would be too pathetic to go back home, so I took the bus into town to the last stop, took the street train from there to its last stop, took it to the other end station, took it back to the train station and took my bus back home. I had wanted to take the street train for its whole route, at least I got to do that.

Was planning on going out with Juan and maybe other people too tonight, but dinner took way too long in being ready, so I missed out on that, too. Then we watched a German show where they bet on whether people can do amazing things, like whether or not 20 musicians can play for a minute in a wheelbarrow, none of their feet could touch the ground (they did it), or whether two guys on a motorcycle with a sidecar can get a faster time down a ski run than a skiier (they were slower by a second), whether a guy could close 50 umbrellas in 2 minutes using one hand (about 8 wouldn't close), and whether a music professor could name the names of four notes played on a piano at the same time (he did, I want perfect pitch). They had musical guests too, James Blunt was on, but none of the music was live, of course. Cecilia Bartoli was a guest, too, she sang a duet from the Magic Flute with the moderator because she lost the bet with the guy naming the notes. She's quite a character. Pretty cool show. Now I'm listening to classical music that I found on my computer, so at least my brain is at peace. Only because it's stopped thinking about anything that I'm supposed to achieve by Monday. I need a shave. Again. I think something needs to get me excited about life again, I'm floundering. I think the only things that I never stop being interested in are love and mystery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmyes, James Blunt has a nice hit song. I relate to it more than I like to admit... In fact, sometimes I reckon it is the very shadow of my life. Sadly enough.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:07 AM  

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