Friday, January 27, 2006

I miss pets

I got barely four hours of sleep last night, I thought I was going to be dead today, but instead, I was pretty hyper. Very strange. I think it signals danger for tomorrow. Good thing it's Saturday, whew. Had usual coffee and cake with Aaron, didn't go for the deluxe combo, my wallet can't take that every week. Tried to transfer money from my parents' bank account to mine to pay for the Europatour, but it didn't work. However, Juan just told me that Rotary paid for all of it, and we have to pay the 400€ that we were going to pay back sometime. Good news. But then, what was all that crap from my counselor about how we had to deal with paying for it ourselves once we had gotten the money they were contributing? That was only a couple days ago! Silly Rotarians. Disorganized, but loaded.

After cake and coffee, I went to orchestra at school, which was kickass because they didn't need me for the whole rehearsal time, and the first half of the time I was there they didn't need me either. So, I silently practiced Claire de lune, which I have been trying to learn in my spare time for the past couple months. The piece that I have to accompany in orchestra is music from Pirates of the Caribbean, it's a pretty nifty piece. Kinda dumb, but nifty. My favorite title for one of the sections of it is 'He's a Pirate!' Hahahaahaa. Imagine Germans saying that. And the piano part doesn't give me much stress. And I know that the orchestra conductor/music master of the school respects me, now. Which is nice. Then, I went home, packed up my organ stuff, and went to practice the organ. At the bus stop leaving from my house, an old woman had a beagle, who jumped up on my knees and licked my entire face as soon as I knelt down to pet him. Doggie kisses. Then, once I had gotten off the bus near where the church is where I practice, and was walking to the church, I saw a cat down the street, and I just had to say 'kitty, kitty!' and kneel down, and the cat ran all the way down the street to be pet. I like to think I have special powers...haha. My second host family has no pets. I am in withdrawal. The best thing I have is a big dog named Bobby that lives across the street, who is very smelly. But funny.

And, to end the day, I played Risk with my host dad and host brothers for almost three hours, no one won. But we had pretzels and I made myself a cup of coffee, mm-mm. Now I should do some work before going to bed. I have more cleaning to do tomorrow morning. Great.

Brent (to Aaron): "Yes, it's much easier to steal something if you totally forget that you're stealing it."

Aaron (to Brent when bored): "Can I slap you?"
Brent: "No, not in German class."
Aaron: "Please?"
Brent: "Maybe."


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