Thursday, February 02, 2006

Jesus Christ, Superstar

Thought I'd post this picture as a sort of good-bye to winter here, which seems to be going away. Well, it sure smells like spring, at least. It's been a good winter. I like this picture.

I realized today that I'm missing home more and more every day, even though that I'm experiencing amazing things this year, and have more amazing things coming up to experience. It's just January, January's been pretty normal. Very normal, really. But, I miss home, and I am really looking forward to my senior year, except I'm not prepared at all to go home yet. I've almost forgotten what it was like to live at home, and to go to school at home. But, boy, has it been worth it. And I can't wait until the Europatour. Going to be kickass, even though we're going to just be eating mediocre sandwiches for lunch for the whole three weeks.

School was pretty cool today. Politics was the usual bullshit, trying to understand the usual 25 letter words, trying to understand what the crackwhore teacher is saying at such a rapid rate, and getting chewed out for not working. At least German is interesting. My teacher is really cool, this is his first year teaching, and he's really good at it. I could listen to him talk about the book we're reading for a long time, a very interesting speaker. Very animative, haha. Speaking of intersting speakers, I had Herr Plewka in Religion after German, we've been reading and talking about sickness and this article about a girl's experiences with cancer. Herr Plewka got into little sermons, not ranting sermons, but very good ones, ones that anyone would have no trouble paying attention to. I think I was his best listener today, whereas normally I have big struggles to stay awake in there. I miss church, and listening to Herr Plewka was a nice taste of home. Yeah yeah, snort all you want, atheist readers. You know who you are.

I opened my patio door to air the joint out here, and the air smells glorious. It reminds me of the beginning of fall in Oklahoma, just as it's getting dark, and I go out with the dog running. Mmmmm. A smell for the soul. A sound for the soul is Jack Johnson. Combine the two, and you have a kickass, relaxing afternoon. This evening I'm going to play some intense badminton to get some exercise. I would like to do something truly enjoyable this weekend, I've organized my organ practice time now so that I have the weekends free, that's when my host family wants to do stuff, I never have time for practicing.

In music today, our teacher had us listen to the soundtrack from Jesus Christ, Superstar, and follow along with the text. Aaron and I were a bit of a disturbance, because we were falling out of our chairs laughing the entire time. Does anyone besides Germans take Jesus Christ Superstar seriously these days? We were thinking, how does our music teacher expect anyone to take this seriously as classroom material? Andrew Lloyd Webber should have been ashamed of himself for so many reasons, haha.

Weird, huge explosions keep coming from direction Neu Ulm. I think somebody told us that they come from some energy plant there, but I don't know how such a big explosion could come from an energy plant without some serious shit hitting the fan. Scares the shit out of me, especially when you're in Ulm when it happens. Once, I was walking across the bridge (see below picture) with Aaron, and all of the sudden, it was like, BOOOOOOM!!, and I jumped like three feet in the air. Unbelievable. I love being cold as long as it's not freezing outside.

Oh, I was going to post this story that my Okie friends wrote in school. One of those 'each person writes a sentence at a time' stories. The randomest kind. Ah, I'm going to look forward to doing intellectual things in school again. Heh, this would be intellectual for me now, wow, I be sad. I suppose it could use an edit or two. Well, enjoy!

It was a brilliant November morn, but all was not well. Zeus, god of the
gods, woke up completely bald. Not only that, he looked under his covers and
to add to his astonishment he was bald all over!
"My manhood!" he exclaimed.
As for his twig and giggle-berries, they had disappeared. On top of
everything else, his wife chose that exact moment to enter the room - along
with their neighbors. Frantically covering himself with his blankets he
vainly tried to pretend he was still asleep.
"What the HELL are you doing?!" Hera yelled, "who are you hiding under
there?!" Suddenly, something jumped out of the bed and ran into the closet,
closing the door behind it.
"Hera! N-...Wait, this isn't what it looks like!" Zeus fumbled for
words, struggling with his utter confusion. Hera immediately went to rip off
his blanket, but Zeus knowing the chaos that would ensue created a blinding
flash of light and hid under the bed. Unfortunately, only his head fit under
his mighty bed, leaving the rest in exhibition.
Hera began running in circles, screaming and pulling at her hair while
the neighbor went to get a closer look. After examining Zeus, the neighbor
checked his own pants; only to be astonished. After proclaiming his
discovery to the others, his wife fainted. Then all hell broke loose as the
closet crashed open.
"My manhood!" exclaimed Zeus, pointing his dastardly finger towards the
open closet, where his manhood stood, knife in stow, waiting for a chance to
Hera ran from the room as Zeus was grabbing the lamp from the bedside
table, ready to fight. Just as Zeus's manhood lunged at him, knife raised
and wearing an angry expression, two other phallic runaways crashed in
through the ceiling. Not wanting to destroy that which makes men whole, and
because he couldn't stomach the fact of fighting his manly pride, Zeus ran
to go protect Hera.
"Hera, you're the only one who can save us now!" whispered Zeus to Hera,
who, understandly nodding, promptly got up and did what she did best:
Time had worked wonders on Hera's bosom, and the resulting sight left the
pursuing manhoods so wilted and inanimate that they no longer had the will
to fight.

To be continued...
Quite creative, kids. Hats off to you.

Omg, I'm listening to Avril Lavigne and enjoying it. Well, she only has, like, two good songs. Oh, well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did this guy preach about, anyway?

Hmm, you sound rather in shape. We must play badminton once you're back, too. I can never find anyone who's willing to play.

3:48 AM  
Blogger Brent in Germany said...

hehe, I bought a racquet today for 6€. Go me.

3:47 PM  

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