Thursday, February 16, 2006

School, etc. etc. etc.!

I haven't posted in a while, for me...this might be long. If I can remember everything I was going to write about. So, to start with, some school quotage...if I can find it all. Ok, English! (oh, btw, the picture is of a poster in one of the classrooms, thought it was hilarious, hope it's readable, I'm posting it super-big, so it better be)

English teacher, in explaining the difference between diner and dinner: "And what does the diner do? It eats the dinner!"

Teacher: "And what can you see in the picture?!" *no one answers* "People eating a lot!!"

Classmate talking about American trucks/truck drivers: "The cabin is very large, and they do many things in there that they do in their bedroom."

And from today, this was absolutely classic. Three guys in my class were having an argument about something during the break in between two periods of Earth Science this afternoon, then all of the sudden, the debate came to a climax with:


Almost fell out of chair laughing. Sometimes school here is so random, it cannot be believed. Especially Sport, haha. Once, we were doing gymnastics on rings, and the teacher was patiently explaining how to flip off the rings and land, we were all grouped in front of him, the rings were right behind him. Aaron snuck around him, started silently swinging on the rings to gain speed, then did a perfect flip off, no mat, and the teacher had no clue, but we all saw it. There were lots of snorts while the teacher was still explaining it, I was on the floor laughing, literally. They don't bother wondering what we're laughing about anymore.

Haha, Moritz the host brother can be a bitch sometimes, but at dinner, he's freaking hilarious. He talks so much shit about my host mom, I can't control my laughter. This time, he was asking about why they have emergency buttons in the new buses now, and he was like, "it's so that if fat mamas fall on the bus floor and can't get up, they can press the emergency button." He starts talking shit about her so randomly, so funny. I apparently turned red in the face, trying to normally eat my bread, before I just started hooting. Then Moritz decided to draw what my host mom's mask would be like for Fasching if she went to a Fasching party, but he first drew what she 'actually' looks like. Omg. I kept it. And, I almost tipped over in my chair onto the floor, no joke. Haha, and my host mom was like, "you're such a little bull-shitter Moritz, but you're a twelve year-old, smart little bull-shitter, it's very difficult. If only I had had a girl!" (she says that a lot, haha, always when we're all laughing at her :P)

So, school is kickass when Aaron's not here, haha. The teachers actually like me, cause I work anddo my little bit of stupid shit in class. Tomorrow I have a physics test that I'm supposed to be studying for right now, ahem, will be a late night tonight. And my math teacher is freaking in love with me, I swear, the stuff we're learning right now is such a joke, I learned most of it in eighth grade, or we should have learned it in eighth grade. The only thing is that they learn how to do things based on these ridiculously technical, complex definitions with unnecessary notation, instead of learning to do things step-by-step, practically. Once, the teacher was like, "would anyone be able to, right now, explain the connection between this *gestures towards righting on top half of board* and this *gestures to bottom half of board.*" No one said anything, I had just started paying attention when he said that, cause things seemed to be getting dangerous, but he was like, "well, of course Brent could do it," creepily smiled at me, and continued teaching. So, for the first half of class today, I was almost not paying attention at all cause I didn't understand anything that he was talking about, but then I realized that he was figuring out x-intercepts for a parabola, and I gave him the second intercept which apparently people don't know how to do in their heads here. Again, they don't learn the important things step-by-step here. So, that made my teacher's day, even though I still had no idea what exactly we were doing until about 5/6 of the way through the class, when I realized that it was utterly retarded, as usual. (Hehe, first semester of math last year was like that, we would play games almost the whole hour until we got our homework assignment, then check in the book how to do it, and do our homework. Such a joke, I thank it for destroying most of my work ethic for math last year. Trig bit me in the ass the last quarter. Well, for me.) I showed this girl next to me how to find the other x-intercept from y=4x(x^2-3) step by step (well, it started out as 4x^3-12x, I 'splained that too), like, x^2-3=0, x^2=3, etc., which we did in eighth grade, and Joanna was like, wow, thanks, I actually understood that! And I thought, wow, your math teachers must have sucked in the past. I must make a note to write an email to Ms. Berlin commending her for being the best math teacher...ever. I wonder if I'm going to have space in my schedule for math next year...I hope not, I would suck at it after this year. I think that the math curriculum and standard teaching methods in the US have no problems, it's just the students who are all slackers and aren't motivated to do homework and study. And some teachers suck, haha. If we all worked like the Germans, we would be the best at math in the world. Some of us already are...(see recent post on my sister's blog, haha).

Ok, so we had Winter Sport Day ! ! ! last Tuesday, which meant that we had no standard school, were only required to go skiing, snowboarding, sledding, skating, or swimming for at least two hours. I skated, most people in my class skated, except the ones who are fat and lazy, grrr. Second time, much more progress. Can balance on one foot now, haha, and I can control highish speeds. But, still fell down my usual five times trying to balance on one foot too much. Hahaha, I looked reaallly funny sometimes, I would push off with the right foot too hard, then be flailing about trying to keep my balance on my left foot, loop around a bit and crash on my ass, right in the middle of a group of peacefully skating girls, haha. But, I think I'm pretty good for a tall, pudgy guy who's skated twice and had virtually zip rollerblading/-skating experience. Grrr Veery, you scarred me.

And yesterday, a group of people from the orchestra (me included) and some random 13th graders went on a trip to MUniCH!! to hear the Bavarian Radio Orchestra play Beethoven's 2nd (which was really the first piano concerto he wrote, numbering accident) Piano concerto with Pierre-Laurent Aimard, a French pianist who has apparently become well-known from his somewhat recent CDs of Mozart and Beethoven, etc. It was great, they talked a lot about the piece and demonstrated features of the piece, Aimard speaks really good German. After they discussed the piece, they performed it all the way through. It was supposed to be some sort of rehearsal, but it was more of an interactive short concert...for free! Everybody was dressed casually in the orchestra, pianist too, very cool. And there were about 800-1000 people in the audience. The train ride to Munich was over two hours each way, we took double-decker Regional Expresses both ways, I went on a group ticket with four other girls from my class and my grade, hehe. We had tons of fun, laughed so much. Munich is sometimes called Little Berlin, I think...or something like that. And I ate four oranges on the way back cause I didn't want to throw them away and they were too dry for the girls to eat, haha.

I have kind of seat-of-the-pants plans for the weekend, need to ok them with the host ma. And, need to study. Ciao.


Blogger Brent in Germany said...

shit. apparently I can no longer spell 'write' correctly. please forgive me.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Brent in Germany said...

and, I know it wasn't technically a parabola, you math geeks out there, forgive me.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Vera said...

hah don't get me started on math education...

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord, can Aaron really do a flip on the rings?
Aaah, Brent! Ballroom dancing lessons yesterday, and (although Elizabeth didn't show) I got to dance with the girls! I danced with a cute 7th grader in particular... Michael Jackson influence? Maaaybe.

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, study? HA. HA. HAHA.

Brent, this is amazing, Evan found this:

6:33 AM  
Blogger Brent in Germany said...

Hehe, Morgan the Frenchwoman is going to get some argumentative interjections on Monday...!

9:45 AM  
Blogger Brent in Germany said...

7th grader?!! geez, Shirley, registERED, haha

9:47 AM  

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