Thursday, March 09, 2006


Today was afternoon school day, so I only got 1.75 hours of organ practice before I had to go home for dinner. Then, I the two trumpeters I'm accompanying picked me up, we had to play in this group recital at this girls' school in Ulm. It went pretty well, it's just that my confidence isn't ever huge in piano recitals, I wasn't that nervous, though. Ha, one of the trumpeters (the better, he's 18 and can play the Haydn trumpet concerto...well, there's probably more than one, but it's the most famous one) has his English Abitur (huge end-of-school test) oral exam tomorrow, so he was only speaking English, I was only speaking German, so funny. He kept making random English jokes, once, he was parking, and randomly yelled, 'shut up, buttmunch!' (beevis and butthead, sp.?). Then, another time, he was like, 'I heard someone shot at 50 Cent, but he survived. Why didn't he die?!' hahaha. Another time, he did a Texan accent. Omg.

Haha, gotta quote myself again :P

Aaron (in class): "Did you hear that?!"
Brent: "Yup."
Aaron: "What was that?"
Brent: "That was a hippo clearing its throat."

Ok, it's kind of an inside joke, kind of a mean one. We should stop it. It's just, not many people understand fluent English...

Hah, and our Math teacher admitted to this today:

"Ich bin klein, aber gemein."
"I'm small, but mean."

We've been saying that. All. Year. I wrote the German cause it rhymes. Apparently, he has a hot, one wonders...

Heehee, a couple funny links from the sister:

That's especially funny. I like Fall Out Boy, except that the lyrics suck. They're interesting, definitely, but bad. Google them, you don't get them with that video, haha.

This is good. Except, the guy's weird accent is bad. The foreign accents aren't horrible, but his normal jabber is weird. And bad. Otherwise, really funny. HA, Shirley, just remembered, MOTHERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not -hood, haha) That was a long time ago...but a good time. Remember when I did Harry Truman and the atom bomb? Probably not. Oh, well. Still no email from Hromas...GRR. haha

Ok, work to do...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aha, it was embarassing the first time I cried MOTHERHOOD!!! with no realization that I didn't say it right... but now it's just funny. Yay.

OMG, my dad came home with a Prius today! He saw it at Janzen yesterday, and I guess got caught up in the 50 mpg beauty of it. Crazy spontaneity.

5:10 AM  
Blogger Vera said...

My stoner Caltech grad physics teacher at OSSM had a hot wife. Turned out she was a mail-order from Russia. Much more sensical...

12:04 AM  

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