Sunday, March 05, 2006

NYARG! : The Eselsberg Massacre

We got a relatively large amount of snow yesterday and the last two nights, over a foot in 24 hours. I had a huge snowball fight with my host family yesterday afternoon (my host mom stayed out of it, grrr), my host dad had the snow shovel and kept coming after us and dumping snow on us with it. Ha, once, Moritz was trying to get closer to nail him with a snowball (entirely covered in snow, looked like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes after Calvin got nailed by one of Hobbes' snowballs), and my host dad was like, 'want some more, do ya? I've got another shovelful for ya' and even though it was German, he managed to say it with some sort of an Irish accent, so funny. There are massive mounds of shoveled snow by the street, we had to get snowballs from those cause the rest is pretty much too powdery. Eventually, Moritz and my host dad went inside, cause they're pussies, and then Johannes' friend showed up, so it was them against me for about an hour, I kept throwing them in the mounds, hehe. By the end, I was totally soaked, and I couldn't ever see much, cause my glasses were totally wet and foggy, and it was impossible to dry them. As you can see above. Nyarg!

Hehe, yesterday I was drying dishes with my host brothers, and Moritz was trying to throw a wet rag at me, so I hardcore rattailed him with the dish towel in the leg, it made a sound like a gunshot, and he was laughing and dancing on one foot for a little bit, going 'owoooooh,' it was soooo funny. Today, I went outside in my house shoes on the patio and took pictures of the snow, Moritz came out and threw snowballs off the patio, I took that picture over my shoulder, hehe.

Tomorrow's school. Gar. School sucks. I was reading the end of Harry Potter 4 in German on the couch in the living room this afternoon, the sun was going down, and I was getting sleepy, I nodded off, my head hit the wall behind me so hard, that it shook the painting above my head, made a sound that reverberated through the first floor, and left a bump on my head. Owow. Gotta go to bed early. I hope we don't have to walk to school tomorrow morning, my host mom keeps threatening that we might have to. Yeah, right, I rode a bus this morning and we rode them this afternoon. Well, I should go do something productive, like try and be prepared for my organ lesson tomorrow. Yikes.


Blogger Brent in Germany said...

harhar, that's the point

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oho, you lucky bastard!
It's +70 degrees over here.

4:15 AM  

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