Thursday, March 23, 2006

awwwww, I can't procrastinate any longer....

Tomorrow morning, I'm checking out of here for about three weeks for the Europatour, I'm getting back in Ulm late on the 15th of April. Today, Aaron and I pissed off our German teacher (again) by becoming extremely bored and playing with paper, which culminated in a paper TIE fighter fight. Wow. That was a first. And, I we watched more of the Dead Poets' Society in Religion, I love that movie, even though I haven't seen nearly the whole thing yet. Robin Williams just generally rules, I guess. What is he doing these days, one wonders...

And, after that lovely movie watching, we had a Math test, big bummer. But, it was easy, the teacher gave us exchangies the normal test, plus a couple extra easier problems that we could do instead. I did almost everything, I actually think our extra problems were a little bit harder than the normal test...easier to understand, language-wise, I suppose. Then, we had Music, we're finally not doing Jesus Christ, Superstar anymore. Whew. We talked about Beethoven, the classics, and his 3rd Symphony (Eroica, the one he originally dedicated to Napolean, but then scratched the dedication out when Napolean crowned himself emperor). Soooo much more interesting, and intelligent. We listened to half of the first movement, and followed along with the full orchestra score. It's a whole different experience to hear the symphony and be able to see every little bare bone and detail of the symphony, it's quite enlightening. Well, for people like me who know virtually squat about orchestration, it is. Then school was over, I went first to Kaufhof (big department store downtown) with Nunt, I loaded up on chocolate covered coffee beans for the tour, oh shit. I'm going to be in heaven. Then, we went to the bank and tried out our new bank cards, I used mine to promptly hemorrhage money. I transferred 85€ for this orchestra retreat/rehearsal days thing in May, and spent 140€ more at the train station buying return train tickets for me and Kathryn for when we get back on the 15th. She's supposed to pay me back soon, grr, hahaha. Her's was 20€ more than mine, hehe, I love my bahncard. Geez, German apostrophe rules are screwing with me, I don't know if 'her's' is correct...geez. Anyway, then I finished my Austria report, in that I printed out and beautifully :P illustrated a map of Austria. Then, I called home to talk to the parental units before I left, then I hastily went to intense badminton. And, oh crap, I am good, haha. I played the whole time, as usual, and beat up on the best girl there, and the best guy there, and crap, that guy is gooood. There's so much time and space to be aggressive in badminton, lots more time than tennis. I got to play in a doubles match with the guy who moderates the badminton sessions, I think he's a retired pro, or something. We lost in two straight sets, haha. The guy's unbelievable, he makes you run so much. You have to be real alert to keep him from straight up dominating you. So, then my brain was all alert, and the grammar and vocab and stuff flowed nicely, always enjoyable. Now, I'm supposed to be finishing packing for tomorrow morning, but I'm a die-hard procrastinator, I got all the stuff together that I have to pack still on my bed, and said, ok, from there, it'll take about five minutes, haha. So, that's why I'm writing this boring account now. I'm still deciding if I want to sleep tonight, or stay awake until I have to go around 5 to catch my bus to meet the others who are driving us down to Stuttgart to catch our plane to Hannover. I think I might have to leave a note tomorrow morning for my host mom saying, 'I'm off to the train station, I'll see you in a month.' That would be a little embarassing, I don't know if she knows I leave that early tomorrow morn. My fault. Well, I still need to take a shower, and pack everything together, and such. So, this is my last until the evening of the 15th, I suppose. Y'all have fun. I sure will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut, mon amie.

I just wanted to alert you to my Xanga, since I've been too lazy to send you emails...

My car's so sexy...

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I mean... Mon ami. I inadvertently called you a girl.

4:23 AM  

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