Tuesday, May 09, 2006

FINALLY...posting again...Brussels!

So, as my second Europatour post, I'm doing Brussels. We did a day trip there from Brugge. I had already been to Brussels for three days when I was nine, so it was cool seeing everything again, especially the Atomium, which they just got done renovating. We were the first tour to see it after renovation, it's must better than the first time I saw it. Commentary follows.

Mannekin Pis, the little naked statue. Practically every country has donated clothes for him, but of course he was naked for the exchange students.

The Atomium park. It was built for a world fair in...I forget, look it up.

View of the Atomium from beneath it. In some of the columns are escalators, like the one below.

Cool blue escalator in the Atomium.

My Belgian waffle. Absolutely delicious.

Fountains of chocolate. Well, slap my ass and call me Willy....

Inside the Prostetant cathedral, I think...the second largest church in the world is in Brussels.

The group outside the Atomium. Mmm love those people.

The City Hall.

The big shopping promenade thing. Expensive.

So, that's the best of Brussels. This weekend, starting on Thursday, is the reunion weekend! We get all the pictures and music from the tour, which will be awesome. And we'll get to see most everybody, yay. And we're having a costume party, girls dressing as boys and vice versa. Nikki's taking care of me. And I'm bringing one of my sweaters that fits her. Excited. Got an orchestra concert tonight, can't wait to be done with that. More of a nuisance than anything else in these busy times. Ok, til the next time I get inspired to post.