Saturday, January 21, 2006

Today's been a workday. But a different kind of workday from the last seven days. Last week I was doing musical work, which made me very happy, albeit stressed. It payed off, though, in the way of thirty fat Euros for my wallet, mm-mm! Today, I got up at eleven after going to bed three hours later than planned, again, and the house was entirely empty, which always freaks me out, so I had some cornflakes with milk and sugar, which I have recently rediscovered as the delicacy that it is. And coffee, of course. With a coffee machine like the one here, it's hard not to have coffee with every meal and for an afternoon pick-me-up. Don't like coffee? Come to Germany. Then, I cleaned up my room, which I hadn't really done since I moved in here two weeks ago. I also hadn't cleaned, which I started to do after I tidied up. And, true to my predictions, my host mom asked if I was planning on cleaning sometime soon the day I was doing it, that always happens with host families. And, I forgot how much I actually like cleaning, once I start. Call me crazy, I know. And because of my very important work, which will happily turn musical again this afternoon, I'm missing out on seeing Ashley who's in Ulm this weekend. Argh. I don't think they're doing anything that I haven't done already...I hope. Wow, I love listening to non-classical music whilst cleaning. Most rhythmatic. And tonight's a concert in a venue that I haven't been to before, the tickets are already bought, yay!! I love Rotary. I love exchange. What will I do when I get home...well, back to work!


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